
This weekend found Dad, Kathryn, and Jason headed to the shooting range with Jason’s group from youth group.  They opened it up to family members too, and really, who needs much of an excuse to go to the shooting range?  Not us!

Headed down the road to the range.

Different people brought different guns.  Jason got to shoot a .22 rifle and pistol, plus a 9mm pistol, and another gun that he couldn’t remember.  Dad and I shot our own guns, plus I got to shoot the .22 pistol.  It was great to get to shoot again, since it has been over two years since any of us have shot.

Jason saved at least one shell from every gun that he shot.

But the most interesting gun by far was the Mosin Nagant, the Russian equivalent of the US .30-6.  Jason and I both got to shoot it, and it was a lot of fun to shoot.

One of the funniest moments of the morning was when I sent Mom a picture of Jason shooting.  She then showed it to Reuben who said, “He looks like a real boy!”

This is the photo that made Reuben say that Jason looked like a real boy.
Jason firing a .22 pistol.

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