start of the updates (sorry but life happens and we forget stuffs)

Hello out there all you peoples. If you have noticed we have not updated you all on our lives for a good long while now. Here are the basic updates and some more details.

B.J. and Bethany came down to AZ for a late Christmas at the end of February. We opened presents, hung out and even did a touristy thing with them. We went to Kartchner Caverns down here, but we were not allowed to bring cameras or phones because of stupid people so no pictures. 😦

Feb 22-Mar 26 was the CrossFit Open. Reuben, Kathryn, Mom and I all participated. It was five crazy weekends of hard workouts to push you beyond your limits on just about everything, from cardio to heavy lifting. The new thing that our gym did was an intramural competition. There were six teams. I was volentold to be captain of the teens team and loved it. I got to make sure everyone knew what they were doing and helped them plan strategies for the workout. In the end I was doing next to nothing because they had it all figured out. But it was a lot of fun to help them get started and see them take it all on.

Starting in April Mom un-enrolled me from Connections Academy because graduation was taking too long. Since they did not accept home school credits they dropped me back two years. None of us felt like dealing with that so I took my G.E.D. over the first few weeks of April and passed with ease.

A few weeks ago, On April 21st I tried out my first CrossFit competition. It was called the Festivus Games. I performed 5 different workouts from 9 in the morning till about 4 in the afternoon. The first workout was some light cardio. Afterwards I felt like I could do the other workouts all day. The second workout was mean. It was a heavy and fast workout. That was hard. The third workout was even worse, I felt like I was going to quit. I asked Kathryn about it and she said that was normal. The final regular workout was amazing. It was only how much you could lift. I used 80lbs for my thrusters and got 60 of them in for a combined weight of 4,800lbs lifted over my head in 8 min.! Then there was a finals Workout, I was in third place of the top 5 so I got to participate. To start I didn’t feel too bad, once I got going though I realized just how tired I was. In the end I stayed in 3rd place and am really happy with how I did. Those competitions are not for the faint of heart, but are really great to participate in or watch.this is a pic from the Thruster workout

Saturday, April 29th all of us (except Dad) went up to Tucson with some friends to the Terrain Race (not train race). It was harder than the one in Flagstaff last year. It was hotter and dryer than the previous year. The hardest thing was not the obstacles themselves, but the terrain. We went over hills, through dry river beds, across gravel. The obstacles were fun though. Levi was excited to get halfway through the monkey bars this year and is looking to complete them the next time.

Reuben being silly on the floor at home with his medal and shirt after the race.

There is more to update, but I will save that for a later date.
Jason M.

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